Envision SOLD
Acrylic on canvas- By Miranda Vavrosky 2020

Can you envision a world where we love each other. A world where beauty surrounds you. Have you ever wondered why you can FEEL the love in someones eyes? I painted this during PRIDE month. I saw humans just wanting to love. The music, the laughs, the dancing, the ENERGY was vibrant. No longer able to hide the love in their eyes. No longer ashamed or afraid of the looks cast by others judgement. It was like a heartbeat of laughter and a hive of sweet honey. Humans who could listen to their heart rather than the judgment passed by on lookers. Chameleons, blending into their boring world to fit in but able to change to every color of the rainbow together. Letting go of all fear, finding there is no shame in their love. Envision with me, a world where we can dance together and stop judging the beautiful colors of these chameleon hearts.



